Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear from lijing's blog

4. Talismans

The beam is quite good, it's boosted by Elden Ring Items the Godfrey Icon, it's also boosted by Shard of Alexander and then you can boost it further if you're at full HP by the Ritual Swords Talisman. You have a couple of talisman options, the Magic Scorpion Charm is also boosted, there is a lot that can make the weapon stronger and you can get a considerable amount of damage out of the weapon art.

- Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman: boosts physical damage negation.

- Godfrey Icon: enhances spells and skills.

- Shard of Alexander: boots the attack power of skills.

- Magic Scorpion Charm: raises magic attacks and lowers damage negation.

5. Spells & Buffs

For the spells, if you're able to set up Terra Magica and then use the beams, Terra Magica is a Sorcery that gives you a magic buff, and increases magic damage from any source by 35%, lasting 30 seconds, the weapon art with the beams is mainly magic damage you're basically boosting. You're always going to get more damage out of it, it's a fantastic complement to the Darkmoon Greatsword's beams. For buffs, you can use Golden Vow and Howl of Shabriri.

6. Flask of Wondrous Physick

Use the magic tear or the faith tear if you need the extra 10 levels for buffs.

- Opaline Hardtear

- Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear

Elden Ring Best Bleed Builds 2023 - Top 5 Bleed Builds & Weapons for PvE/PvP in Elden Ring 1.08 Elden Ring Best Bleed Builds 2023 - Top 5 Bleed Builds & Weapons for PvE/PvP in Elden Ring 1.083/7/2023 5:34:06 PMTag:Build GuideClass GuideGear GuideStarter Guide

The way Hemorrhage works in Elden Ring has changed a lot in the last year - it's officially been one year already since Elden Ring was released. In fact, 90% of the guide for Elven Ring builds on the internet are mostly out of date by now. With the Shadow of elden ring items buy the Erdtree DLC upcoming, we are starting a new series of creating up-to-date Elden Ring build guides, and in this post, we will cover the current best bleed builds in Elden Ring 1.08.1 Patch!

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