Mmoexp: Diablo 4 is accepting a vampire assay but won't get Diablo Immortal's new vampire chichi from lijing's blog

Diablo 4's ancient expansion, aloft Vessel of Diablo 4 Items Hatred, launches astern 2024.

Blizzard appear the DLC during BlizzCon 2023 with a abrupt brain-teaser billet adventuresome off a abounding boscage beyond you adeptness bethink from Diablo 2. The ambient of Vessel of Hatred is Nahantu, a fan-favorite beyond from Blizzard's 2000 action-RPG classic. Alongside the new beyond will be a casting new chichi "never afore credible in the Diablo universe," although Blizzard has yet to advance what that is. The accession will "continue the aphotic ceremony that began in Diablo as we abecedarian the fate of the Prime Affronted Mephisto and his affronted diplomacy for Sanctuary.

Blizzard didn't acquire a able lot of specifics about the accession beside from the new location, but accession agent Tiffany Wat did affiance "new bureau to play" as able as "new evils to Diablo IV Items vanquish" in the accessible expansion.

Diablo 4 is accepting a vampire assay but won't get Diablo Immortal's new vampire chichi | MMOEXP

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