Rocket League players can go to the Item Shop and purchase the Kaskade Bundle for 1,000 Credits from ZOEY's blog

Epic Games has introduced that it is bringing lower back the Rocket League Trading Prices Llama-Rama event for the cease of Rocket League’s 2d season.The event runs from March 25th through April ninth and will reward players in both Fortnite and Rocket League for completing demanding situations in Rocket League. Fortnite gamers can earn a new lobby track, wrap, and Back Bling, at the same time as Rocket League gamers receive a brand new Octane sticker, some new wheels, and extra.

In addition to the above rewards, Rocket League players can go to the Item Shop and purchase the Kaskade Bundle for 1,000 Credits. The package carries Huntress-stimulated Octane and Dominus decals, Orange and Cobalt Kaskade Wheels, and Kaskade’s “Miles to Go” as a participant anthem.

Kaskade may also be appearing his brand-newRocket League Item Prices 

 Reset EP and greater in a Party Royale live performance. Finally, the Lil’ Octane traversal emote is coming to the Fortnite Item Shop on March twenty fifth.

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