Madden NFL 24 commissioner Roger Goodell recently acknowledged that Madden nfl 24 Coins he made a mistake the decision to give Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice only a two-game suspension for an incident of domestic violence involving Rice's spouse, causing for the Madden NFL 24 to change its policy on domestic violence. Players now face an eight-game suspension for the first domestic violence offense, following by a lifetime ban for second.
According to Trujillo, the victim in the incident may be pregnant, which could lead to McDonald's potential suspension being much more severe than merely six games. From Goodell's comments on domestic violence earlier this week:
One of the situations that could need to be dealt with more severely could be an earlier incident prior to entering an organization like the Madden NFL 24. or violence involving a weapon, chokes, repeatedly striking or when the offense was committed by a pregnant woman , or with the help of the child. The second offense could result in banishment from the Madden NFL 24 as well as one can apply for reinstatement after one yearbut there's no presumption or guarantee that the petition could be granted. These standards of discipline will be applicable to everyone in the Madden NFL 24 personnel.
McDonald has a DUI arrest in his past , but hasn't been involved in any off-field incidents. It doesn't matter since the new rules on domestic violence however.
The defensive lineman, 29. was originally drafted at the end of the second round in 2007's Madden NFL 24 Draft and signed an eight-year Buy Mut Coins Madden 24, $20 million contract extension in the year 2011.