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   The alpha for World of Warcraft's upcoming Shadowlands expansion has begun. Blizzard Entertainment knows that the fanbase was disappointed by some aspects of Battle for Azeroth, so it wants to make sure Shadowlands delivers. This means that the studio is being very open with upcoming changes, with a series of blogs about class updates, the realm of Death, and the brand-new starting experience.To get more news about Buy WoW Shadowlands Gold, you can visit lootwowgold news official website.

The cornerstone of any MMO is loot, and Blizzard has some thoughts about changing how loot works in Shadowlands. In an interview with Twitch streamer Ted "Sloot" Bacinschi, World of Warcraft game director Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas said that Blizzard acknowledges the dissatisfaction with additional RNG systems—Thunderforging, Titanforging, and Warforging—on gear drops. These systems were an attempt to make gear drops more exciting for veteran players, with random stat rolls. Hazzikostas admitted that offering different difficulties, raid sizes, and content increased the amount of gear WoW awarded to players, which when combined with random drops, didn't offer satisfying rewards.

"At this point, our plan for Shadowlands is to take a step back and actually—and this may sound like a nerf to some folks—reduce the amount of loot that drops. We have tons more sources than ever before. Just let loot be loot. We're not planning Warforging, we're not planning Titanforging. There's no Corruption, there's no system to replace Corruption. We'll see how that plays out," said Hazzikostas. That's not the only incoming change to loot in Shadowlands. The class tier sets were dungeon and raid gear that shared an aesthetic with each class and the current content. In Battle for Azeroth, tier sets were limited to zone aesthetics and armor type, meaning Plate-wearing Warriors, Paladin, and Death Knights all wore similar gear, which didn't feed into the idea of class fantasy that Blizzard said was its aim.

Hazzikostas said that tier sets will "quite possibly" return in Shadowlands, but not at launch. "It's something our art team wants to do again and it's something we're talking about seeing return later on in the expansion," he said. Hazzikostas said the team had a problem with what tier sets had turned into by time Legion rolled around. Raiders would get their tier sets within a few weeks, making it useless for them to acquire any other gear until the next raid. "We don't love that aspect of it. But, the art, the class fantasy, the sense of class differentiation and also some aspects of the set bonuses as a goal to strive for are all things we want to recapture."Hazzikostas said that Blizzard wanted to get the changes out early to get a ton of player feedback. "There isn't some giant drop of additional content and changes that we have planned that you're not seeing yet.

But obviously that does not mean that what you see today is going to go live," he explained. "Iteration is important, feedback is important. We've very rightfully gotten raked over the coals for this, when big changes to a class or spec get dropped late in beta without a lot of time to really iterate on them.

We want to get things out there upfront, so we can start the conversation." Similar to Legion following the much-maligned Warlords of Draenor, Shadowlands seems to be a clear response to negative feedback to Battle for Azeroth. Hopefully, openly releasing and explaining all of these new systems early in the process will lead to a game that will make more of the WoW community happy. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is scheduled for a 2020 release on PC and Mac.

Outside of the game’s launch, this update will bring more items, quests, and changes to Classic than any other phase before it.To get more news about Buy WoW Gold Classic, you can visit lootwowgold news official website.

Along with a massive “war effort” that will require members of both the Alliance and Horde to gather resources for a fight against the Qiraj Empire, players will gain access to new bosses and loot from dungeons that they’ve been running for almost a year now.

Meanwhile, updates to other elements of the game, like professions and reputation rewards, will give players a laundry list of things to do after the game’s weekly Tuesday reset.Trying to do everything at once might be overwhelming. But if you go into the week knowing exactly what your character wants and needs to do, the chances that you achieve your goals will improve exponentially.

Here’s a list of some of the things you might want to look into before logging in this afternoon.The opening of the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ) is one of the most iconic events in WoW’s original expansion. But that won’t happen right away. First, players from both factions will have to donate an enormous amount of resources to a war effort against the Qiraj Empire.

NPCs for both sides will accept donations of specific items to prepare for the AQ gate opening event. The gates themselves won’t open on a server until all of the necessary resources are gathered.

While many servers have been preparing for months to have the resources needed to open up the gates as fast as possible, it might be worth contributing as an individual to do your part. As a way to reward players for contributing, NPCs reward donations with a small war supply item and “commendations” that can be used to earn certain Horde and Alliance reputations. In addition to each server needing to work to get all of the required resources for the AQ gates to open, there’s a specific questline as well that needs to be completed by any individual on the server.

Rewarding the Black Qiraji Battle Tank mount, known as the “bug mount,” to the first on a given server to complete it, this series of quests is one of the most grindy in the game. And because of the way it requires players to go into two separate instances of the Blackwing Lair raid, it’ll be impossible to complete until BWL resets on Aug. 4.

If you’re just now hearing about this questline, you probably won’t be able to get it done prior to the gates opening. But don’t let that stop you. Despite the chain’s length, it has fruitful rewards outside of the bug mount that will only go to the first people to complete the quest during the AQ gate opening event
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