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Super Fildena, a combination medication containing Sildenafil and Dapoxetine, is commonly prescribed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). While effective when used as directed, concerns arise regarding tolerance development with frequent use. This article explores whether taking multiple doses of Super Fildena within a short period increases the risk of developing tolerance and its implications.

Understanding Super Fildena and Its Components:

Super Fildena combines two active ingredients: Sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor that improves blood flow to the penis, and Dapoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that delays ejaculation. This combination provides dual benefits for men experiencing both ED and PE. The standard recommended dose of Super Fildena is one tablet (containing 100mg Sildenafil and 60mg Dapoxetine) to be taken orally with water approximately 30 minutes to one hour before anticipated sexual activity.

The Concept of Tolerance:

Tolerance refers to the reduced responsiveness to a drug following repeated or prolonged exposure. In the context of Super Fildena, tolerance may develop when the body becomes less sensitive to the effects of Sildenafil and Dapoxetine over time. This can result in diminished therapeutic effects, necessitating higher doses to achieve the desired response. Tolerance can also increase the risk of adverse effects associated with the medication.

Risk of Tolerance with Multiple Doses:

Taking multiple doses of Super Fildena within a short period may increase the risk of developing tolerance due to the sustained exposure to Sildenafil and Dapoxetine. When the medication is used frequently or in excess, the body may adapt to its effects, leading to diminished efficacy over time. This can result in a decreased ability to achieve and maintain erections, as well as reduced control over ejaculation.

Implications of Tolerance Development:

The development of tolerance to Super Fildena can have several implications for individuals using the medication:

Decreased Effectiveness: Tolerance may diminish the effectiveness of Super Fildena in treating both ED and PE, requiring higher doses to achieve the desired therapeutic effects.

Increased Risk of Adverse Effects: Higher doses of Super Fildena to overcome tolerance can increase the risk of adverse effects, including headaches, dizziness, flushing, nausea, and blurred vision.

Psychological Dependence: Individuals may develop a psychological dependence on Super Fildena, feeling unable to engage in sexual activity without it. This can lead to anxiety or distress if the medication is not available or effective.

Strategies to Minimize Tolerance Risk:

To minimize the risk of developing tolerance to Super Fildena, it is essential to use the medication judiciously and as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Some strategies to consider include:

Follow Prescribed Dosage: Take Super Fildena exactly as prescribed by a doctor, and do not exceed the recommended dosage or frequency of use.

Use as Needed: Use Super Fildena only when necessary, rather than on a daily basis. This can help reduce the risk of tolerance development.

Take Breaks: Consider taking periodic breaks from using Super Fildena to allow the body to reset and reduce the likelihood of tolerance.

Address Underlying Factors: Address any underlying factors contributing to ED and PE, such as stress, anxiety, or relationship issues, through counseling or lifestyle modifications.

Consultation with a Healthcare Professional:

Before making any changes to Super Fildena usage or dosage, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. A doctor can evaluate individual health status, medication history, and treatment goals to provide personalized guidance on the most appropriate use of Super Fildena. They can also offer alternative treatment options or address any concerns regarding tolerance development and medication dependence.


In conclusion, taking multiple doses of Super Fildena within a short period may increase the risk of developing tolerance to its active ingredients, Sildenafil and Dapoxetine. Tolerance can lead to diminished effectiveness, increased risk of adverse effects, and psychological dependence on the medication. To minimize tolerance risk, it is essential to use Super Fildena judiciously, follow prescribed dosages, and address underlying factors contributing to ED and PE. Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial for personalized advice and safe and effective treatment outcomes.

The effects of Viltra 20mg vardenafil on erectile dysfunction are one of the most frequently asked questions by users. This article will provide an in-depth look at how long Viltra effects last and the factors that affect this time frame.

What is Viltra 20?

Viltra 20 is an erectile dysfunction medication that belongs to a group of drugs called PDE5 (Phosphodiesterase-5-Inhibitors). The active ingredient inViltra 20(vardenafil) helps to relax muscles and increases blood flow to certain areas of your body.

During sexual stimulation, Viltra 20mg tablet increases blood flow to your penis, helping you to achieve and sustain an erection.

How long does Viltra 20 last?

The effects of Vilitra last depend on a variety of factors, such as your response to the medication, your metabolism, your age, and your health condition. Generally, the effects can last for 4-6 hours after you take the medication.

The duration of effects of Viltra 20 can vary depending on several factors, such as dose, metabolism, age, health condition, and other factors. On average, Viltra 20 effects last for around 4-6 hours, but this is only a general guideline and may vary from user to user.

To extend or shorten effects, there are strategies to try, such as taking lower doses or avoiding heavy meals prior to taking the medication. Fatty foods can delay the absorption of the drug.


What is Vilitra 20 used for?

Vilitra 20 is primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction in men, helping them achieve and maintain erections during sexual activity.

How long does it take for Vilitra 20 to start working?

Vilitra 20 typically starts working within 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion, although individual responses may vary.

What factors influence the duration of Vilitra 20 effects?

Factors such as dosage, metabolism, age, and overall health condition can influence how long the effects of Vilitra 20 last.

Can I take Vilitra 20 with food?

While Vilitra 20 can be taken with or without food, consuming heavy, fatty meals may delay its onset of action.

How long does Vilitra 20 stay in your system?

The effects of Vilitra 20 usually last for about 4 to 6 hours, but individual responses may vary.

Can I drink alcohol while using Vilitra 20?

It is not recommended to consume alcohol excessively while taking Vilitra 20, as it may increase the risk of side effects and decrease the medication's effectiveness.


Understanding the duration of the effects of Vilitra 20 is essential for users to make informed decisions about its use. While the typical duration ranges from 4 to 6 hours, various factors can influence individual experiences. 

By considering these factors and consulting healthcare professionals, users can optimize the benefits of Vilitra 20 while minimizing potential risks.