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It can sometimes be challenging to defend a domestic violence case in the United States. Most states' legislation against domestic violence has become increasingly strict and severe. Because of this, retaining an experienced Fort Worth criminal defense attorney is vital if you are charged with domestic violence.

Your criminal defense lawyer can also help protect you from mandatory punishment for being found guilty. Staying up-to-date on the laws and penalties you face in your state can turn challenging cases into ones you can win.

This article helps you understand the impact of domestic violence on a person. Learn more about how domestic violence can affect a person's psychological, physical, sexual, and financial aspects of their lives.

Impact Of A Domestic Violence 

Before understanding how domestic violence affects the family, you need to know what domestic violence is. Domestic violence, or "intimate partner violence," occurs in a romantic relationship when one person hurts another.

The effects of domestic violence on an individual's mental, physical, and emotional well-being are significant, and the problem can perpetuate itself through successive generations.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is substantially more common among adults who have experienced abuse. People who grew up in abusive homes are more likely  to endure abusive relationships than adults. Domestic abuse, if left uncontrolled, can also lead to hazardous circumstances.

Finding a Fort Worth criminal defense attorney to assist you with domestic abuse matters can be crucial to your long-term healing, whether through legal action or mental health care.

Tips For HandlingDomestic Violence Case

When people are victims of domestic abuse, their mental health often takes a hit. Because of this, you need to be an outspoken advocate for victims of domestic violence. For that, you need to be familiar with legal tips with the help of a Fort Worth criminal defense attorney that can aid you in the future.

Whether you are the victim or defendant in a domestic abuse case, you have access to a group of people and services that can help you. People often struggle to apply for domestic abuse cases because they lack knowledge of the process and are uncertain of what to do in the event of an accusation.

If you're trying to win a domestic abuse case, these are some of the most basic but crucial legal strategies. Even though you will be consulting with legal counsel, you should have some understanding of all of the following.

  • Follow The Procedure: The arraignment following a domestic violence arrest in Fort Worth is your first opportunity to challenge the charges. Doing the wrong thing might backfire in a big way, so be careful.

  • Respecting Criminal Protection Orders: With your defense attorney's help, review and follow your orders of protection. The main issue in domestic violence cases is "technical violations" of criminal orders of protection, in which a client has contacted the victim in violation of the order.

  • Keep A Written Record: The police must follow specific procedures when they arrive. The attorney knows all of this, and it's essential to keep all of your information in writing in case you forget something important that could be important later. Participant statements are recorded.

Civil actions require legal representation. Even if you don't know much about the issue, seeing an attorney is better because they know all the legalities and can guide you. If you're seeking a source to aid you, check out The Medlin Law Firm's criminal defense attorney.

Fort Worth Criminal Defense Attorneys

If you are from Fort Worth and have been accused of domestic violence, contact The Medlin Law Firm for a consultation and experience the difference. They represent clients charged with assault, and domestic assault and other criminal offenses across Texas and the surrounding area. They have extensive trial experience and will fight to protect your rights.


Domestic violence cases are often the most emotionally charged client matters an attorney handles. With the recent focus on domestic violence throughout the country, defense lawyers should understand what they can do to help their clients.

You can protect yourself and obtain help if you're a domestic abuse victim. The Medlin Law Firm has a professional criminal defense attorney to guide you in your case.

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The Medlin Law Firm in WhoFish
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The Medlin Law Firm 1300 S University Dr #318 Fort Worth, TX 76107 (682) 204-4066

In facing DWI cases, given its nature, one should be aware of the grounds that led to the charges. It is therefore important for one to consult a DWI lawyer. They can primarily explain the case as well as commit to building an efficient defense that paves for preferable rulings. Above all, one should know the basics of how to hire a qualified and efficient criminal lawyer. 

Who Should Be Your DWI Lawyer?

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious criminal violation. Laws that supplement imposing regulations and according penalties to these cases are complex. In Dallas TX, the laws against these are complicated. Therefore, if you are facing these charges, you shall refer to a skillful DWI Lawyer.

A DWI attorney's primary responsibility is to represent a driver who has been found guilty in state court. In The Medlin Law Firm in Dallas TX, a team of DWI attorneys acts on building a strong defense for you. They investigate and study to put the case together for trial and help you attain the highest favorable outcome. 

DWI convictions result in heavy punishments like lengthy license suspensions and jail time. A skilled and sympathetic DWI attorney will therefore exert every effort to get the finest outcomes possible for their clients.

In The Medlin Law Firm, capable DWI attorneys prioritize your rights in the face of a DWI charge. The DWI Lawyer generally assesses the relevant facts of the case and studies the potential arrangements. When you are facing criminal accusations, it is beneficial to have an experienced attorney who can protect your rights.

The Process Of Hiring A DWI Lawyer

If you are facing DWI charges, it is crucial that you retain a DWI attorney. Your individual rights are at stake so it is essential to have a qualified DWI attorney by your side. DWI laws in Dallas TX are complex, therefore a skilled DWI attorney will be able to navigate the waters. 

In hiring a DWI Lawyer, you must find out their costs and payment options before arranging the case with them. By getting an upfront understanding of all expenditures, it is therefore transparent and financially practical. A recommendation is also important either from friends and family for skilled local professionals with a good reputation. 

If you are in Dallas TX, do not hesitate to connect with The Medlin Law Firm. The firm has a team of attorneys that you can meet to arrange your case. The available criminal lawyers in Medlin do not hesitate to cater to a number of questions, especially in terms of their credibility. It is important to know about their experience. 

The Nature Of DWI Laws

The state of Texas considers DWI or driving while intoxicated as a serious offense. A charge with a corresponding jail sentence and higher fines. A DWI case technically brings repercussions to you. These charges are difficult to fight, so you should not waste time and consult an efficient criminal lawyer.

Supplementing laws regarding these cases is complex enough for a normal individual to understand. The knowledge of a good DWI lawyer, therefore, takes a spot of importance. 

Before your case becomes more serious and you risk losing your employment or your freedom, speak with an experienced DWI attorney as soon as you can. Contact a DWI attorney right away if you or a loved one faces suspicions of a DWI crime. If you need one, check on The Medlin Law Firm for you to connect with skillful criminal lawyers. In this law firm, skilled DWI lawyers can prioritize your case with the aim of attaining the highest favorable outcome. 

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The Medlin Law Firm in WhoFish
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The Medlin Law Firm 2550 Pacific Ave #866 Dallas, TX 75226 (214) 888-4810

Los estudios sugieren que hay un resurgimiento de los centros comerciales outlet hoy en día. Fort Worth, TX, puede estar siendo testigo de un nuevo comienzo de los centros comerciales outlet. Su aparición es atribuible a varios factores.  

Aparte de un cambio significativo en el comportamiento de los asistentes a los centros comerciales, la economía y la reducción de los costes operativos son los factores de sus ramificaciones. Los centros comerciales outlet en Fort Worth, TX, han ido cambiando continuamente. Están ganando popularidad en comparación con los centros comerciales tradicionales.  

Fort Worth, TX, y otras ciudades importantes son los lugares elegidos de estos codiciados centros comerciales outlet. Estos minoristas pioneros se mantienen al día con los cambios en el panorama de la comercialización. 

Aprovechan las últimas tendencias del sector. Han ido desarrollando sus marcas y productos de acuerdo con el comportamiento de los consumidores.

Express Factory Outlet En Fort Worth, Tx

Los residentes de Fort Worth, TX, no se quedarán sin opciones de vestuario para el trabajo o las ocasiones especiales. El Express Factory Outlet tiene una amplia selección de vestidos para fiestas. 

También tienen una gama de opciones para trajes y ropa corporativa. Para los días más informales en Fort Worth, TX, los locales están seguros de encontrar una gama de pantalones de jogging, sudaderas, o incluso leggings.

Si hay un evento estrictamente formal, como una boda, Express Factory Outlet es también el lugar para encontrar algo que ponerse. Cualquiera puede contar con un elegante vestido de noche, o tal vez un elegante vestido de cóctel está disponible aquí.

Express Factory Outlet siempre tiene a la vista estilos de moda. Saben que el atuendo de una persona puede hacer o deshacer su confianza. Se traduce en la forma en que manejan individualmente sus asuntos, ya sea para sus carreras o la vida personal.

Grand Prairie Premium Outlets 

Los Grand Prairie Premium Outlets ofrecen a la comunidad de Fort Worth, TX, marcas de primera calidad. Sus colecciones inspiran la individualidad y la autoexpresión, especialmente para los creativos y los jóvenes.

Su variedad de selecciones, sin embargo, atrae no solo a las generaciones más jóvenes, sino a todos los miembros de cualquier familia. Este centro comercial no solo ofrece las mejores marcas de ropa, sino que también cuenta con precios razonables.  

El centro comercial Grand Prairie Outlet en Fort Worth, TX, ofrece hasta un sesenta y cinco por ciento de ahorro en más de cien tiendas. Además, estas ofertas con una buena relación calidad-precio están disponibles durante todo el año. Así que, tanto si busca el mejor atuendo como un regalo memorable, una visita a este centro comercial outlet es la clave.  

Visitarlo siempre es agradable. Hay camiones de comida con deliciosos bocadillos que llenan el estómago. Es el final perfecto para un día agotador caminando por todo este centro comercial outlet de Fort Worth, TX. 


Los clientes que frecuentan el centro comercial Tanger Fort Worth, TX, hablan muy bien de lo bien mantenido que está. Además, les resulta muy relajante dar un paseo por aquí debido a las pasarelas impecables a pesar de la gran cantidad de clientes.

Otras características bien señaladas por los asistentes al centro comercial son los baños limpios. Los asistentes al centro comercial también elogian las numerosas plazas de aparcamiento. Este tipo de servicios básicos, aunque pequeños, aportan mucha comodidad al público.

Aparte de las tiendas de ropa y prendas únicas, ofrecen muchas y buenas ofertas. Los clientes dicen que todas las tiendas tienen un cartel de "OFERTA" en letras mayúsculas. Así que las personas que lo visiten encontrarán, efectivamente, una buena oferta en este centro comercial outlet de Fort Worth, TX.

Los visitantes que quieran tomarse un tiempo para relajarse fuera de las tiendas deben estar preparados. El sol de Texas hace subir el calor. Aquí en Tanger, los visitantes pueden encontrar un montón de zonas de sombra donde pueden relajarse y seguir disfrutando de su día.

Frente a cargos de violencia doméstica, contar con un abogado de violencia doméstica en Fort Worth es esencial. Confía en nuestro equipo The Medlin Law Firm defensa criminal en Fort Worth para una defensa firme y justa.

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The Medlin Law Firm

1300 S University Dr #318

Fort Worth, TX 76107

(682) 204-4066

Las leyes federales y estatales pueden diferir en los detalles de sus estatutos sobre los delitos relacionados con las drogas. Sin embargo, si usted se enfrenta a cargos penales por un delito de drogas, es esencial tomar las acusaciones en serio y buscar representación legal con experiencia tan pronto como sea posible.

Lo Que Se Considera Un Delito De Drogas

El estatuto de Texas que rige los delitos de drogas se encuentra en el capítulo 481 del Código de Salud y Seguridad de Texas. Este capítulo, también titulado "La Ley de Sustancias Controladas de Texas", penaliza la fabricación, entrega, posesión y publicidad de ciertas sustancias controladas. Una sustancia controlada es una droga u otra sustancia regulada por la ley estatal o federal.

Penas Por Una Condena De Drogas

Las penas que un individuo puede enfrentar por una condena de drogas dependen de varios factores, incluyendo el tipo y la cantidad de droga involucrada, el historial criminal del sospechoso, y si hay factores agravantes o atenuantes. 

-Delitos Menores De Drogas De Clase C. Un delito menor de clase C es la ofensa criminal menos seria en Texas y es castigada con una multa de hasta $500 dólares. Esta ofensa no tiene una sentencia de prisión. Un ejemplo de un delito menor de drogas Clase C es poseer dos onzas o menos de marihuana.

-Delitos Menores De Drogas Clase A. Un delito menor de Clase A es castigado con una multa de hasta $4,000 dólares y hasta un año de cárcel. Un ejemplo de un delito menor de drogas de Clase A es la posesión de cuatro gramos o menos de una sustancia controlada como cocaína o metanfetamina.

-Delitos Graves De Drogas. Una ofensa de felonía es más seria y es castigada con una multa de hasta $10,000 dólares y encarcelamiento por dos años o más. Ejemplos de delitos graves de drogas incluyen la fabricación de una sustancia controlada y la entrega de una sustancia controlada.

-Delito Grave De Drogas De 1er Grado. Un delito grave de 1er grado es la ofensa criminal más severa en Texas y es castigada con una multa de entre $50,000 y $250,000 dólares, y encarcelamiento por cinco años o más. Un ejemplo de un delito grave de drogas de 1er grado es la fabricación de 400 gramos o más de una sustancia controlada.

Qué Hacer Si Se Le Acusa De Un Delito De Drogas

Si usted ha sido acusado o cree que va a ser acusado de un delito de drogas, es importante que busque representación legal con experiencia tan pronto como sea posible. Su abogado de defensa criminal trabajará con usted para desarrollar una estrategia de defensa y luchar para proteger sus derechos.


Posibles Defensas Contra Un Cargo De Drogas

Las defensas disponibles dependen de los hechos y circunstancias específicas de su caso. Algunas de las posibles defensas contra un cargo de drogas incluyen:

-Propiedad. Usted puede argumentar que no era dueño de las drogas o que no sabía que las drogas estaban presentes.


-Registro E Incautación Ilegal. La policía puede haber violado sus derechos constitucionales al realizar un registro e incautación ilegal. 

-Confusión De Identidad. Es posible que pueda demostrar que usted no es la persona que cometió el delito. 

Si ha sido acusado de un delito de drogas, es importante que busque representación legal con experiencia lo antes posible. Su abogado de defensa criminal trabajará con usted para desarrollar una estrategia de defensa y luchar para proteger sus derechos.

The Medlin Law Firm

Con más de 58 años de experiencia legal combinada, The Medlin Law Firm tiene el conocimiento y la habilidad para proporcionarle la sólida defensa penal que necesita. Ellos han representado exitosamente a clientes en una amplia variedad de casos criminales, incluyendo ofensas de drogas. 

Una condena por drogas puede resultar en penas significativas, incluyendo tiempo en la cárcel y antecedentes penales. Si usted ha sido acusado de un delito de drogas, es importante buscar representación legal con experiencia tan pronto como sea posible. The Medlin Law Firm conoce el sistema de justicia penal y trabajará arduamente para proteger sus derechos y obtener el mejor resultado posible para su caso.

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The Medlin Law Firm en YouBiz

Instrucciones de viaje

The Medlin Law Firm

1300 S University Dr #318

Fort Worth, TX 76107

(682) 204-4066

Criminal law is a vast area of the law that deals with crimes committed against society. Crimes involving drugs are among the most common offenses that fall under this category. In Dallas, Texas, drug crimes are serious and can carry severe penalties. This article will provide insight into this type of crime and how a criminal defense attorney in Dallas can help.

Drug Crimes According To Texas Criminal Law

Drug-related crimes include possession, distribution, and trafficking of illegal drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and methamphetamine. The penalties for drug-related offenses vary from fines to imprisonment, depending on the defendant's criminal history, the type of drug, and the amount involved.

In Texas, if you are caught with drugs, your punishment depends on the type and amount (in grams) of drugs you have. The Texas Penal Code lists the following penalties for crimes involving drugs.

-Less than 1 gram of drugs: state jail felony, up to 2 years in prison, and a $10,000 fine.

-One gram to 4 grams of drugs: third-degree felony, 2 to 10 years in prison, and a $10,000 fine.

-Four grams to 200 grams of drugs: second-degree felony, 2 to 20 years in prison, and a $10,000 fine.

-200 to 400 grams of drugs: first-degree felony, 5 to 99 years in prison, and a $10,000 fine.

-Above 400 grams of drugs: first-degree felony, life imprisonment, and a $100,000 fine.

How A Criminal Defense Attorney In Dallas Can Help

A Dallas criminal defense attorney can help individuals charged with drug crimes.. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help protect the defendant's rights, provide legal advice, and build a strong defense.

A defense lawyer can challenge the evidence presented against the defendant, negotiate with prosecutors, and seek alternatives to imprisonment, such as rehabilitation programs or probation.

Additionally, they can help individuals understand the legal process and what to expect during their trial. They can support and guide you throughout the process, from the initial arrest to the final verdict.

Contact A Criminal Lawyer In Dallas Today

If you or someone you know has been charged with a drug crime in Dallas, Texas, it's crucial to seek the help of a criminal defense attorney in Dallas. A lawyer for criminal defense can provide you with the legal representation you need to fight the charges and protect your rights.

A criminal defense attorney can help you navigate the legal system, negotiate with prosecutors, and build a strong defense. They can work with you to achieve the best possible outcome for your case, whether that's reduced charges, probation, or a not-guilty verdict.

Hiring The Medlin Law Firm can be your best defense strategy if you face drug crime charges. The firm has a team of competent defense lawyers who understand the complexities of drug crime cases. Their team of attorneys has a track record of success representing clients charged with drug offenses in Dallas, Texas.

They can provide personalized legal representation, aggressive defense strategies, and comprehensive guidance throughout the legal process. The firm has a reputation for fighting for its clients' rights and achieving the best possible outcomes for their cases. Don't face drug crime charges alone; contact their legal team today to schedule a consultation with an experienced criminal defense counsel.


Drug-related crimes in Dallas, Texas, are serious offenses that can have severe consequences. If you've been charged with a drug crime, it's essential to seek the help of a criminal defense attorney in Dallas. A criminal attorney can provide the legal representation and guidance you need to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact a defense lawyer today to learn more.

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The Medlin Law Firm in Best Directory 4 You
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The Medlin Law Firm

2550 Pacific Ave #866

Dallas, TX 75226

(214) 888-4810

In criminal law, anyone who is charged with a crime will likely feel anxious. However, students may find it particularly frightening. Criminal charges can have serious effects on one's academic and professional career in addition to any potential legal consequences. Therefore, it is essential for students facing criminal charges to be aware of their legal options. This article will provide an overview of student defense in criminal law and its common charges. 

What Is Student Defense In Criminal Law?

Knowing your rights as a student is essential when you are accused of a crime. Student defense refers to the legal representation and protection of students who are charged with crimes. This could involve everything from theft or assault to drug charges. Students need to have access to criminal lawyers who defend individuals who are enrolled in universities or colleges.

Understanding the probable repercussions of a criminal conviction is an essential component of student defense. Charges of criminal activity may result in academic probation, suspension, expulsion, or even the cancellation of financial aid. Therefore, students must work with their attorneys to build a defense strategy. 

Another important factor in student defense is navigating the university disciplinary system. Many universities have strict codes of conduct that apply both on and off campus. They may have their own disciplinary hearings independent of criminal proceedings. A Dallas criminal lawyer at The Medlin Law Firm can help guide students through these processes. They can ensure students are treated fairly throughout every step of the legal proceedings. See more details

Learning how to defend yourself in criminal cases as a student is essential. Thus, it is also important to know the common criminal charges that students may face. 

Common Criminal Charges For Students

When it comes to student life in Dallas, Texas, alcohol-related charges are the most common criminal charges that students face. These charges can have severe legal and personal implications. Some of the most frequently occurring criminal charges related to alcohol that students may face in Dallas, Texas include:

- Underage possession of alcohol.

- Underage consumption of alcohol.

- Driving while intoxicated.

- Possession of illegal drugs.

- Unlawfully purchasing or providing alcohol to a minor.

Most of these crimes are related to the age of the accused. For example, the law defines anyone under the age of 21 as a minor when it comes to alcohol. 

There are also other less common but more serious criminal charges that students may face. It includes drug distribution, driving with an open container of alcohol, sexual assault, battery, reckless driving, and theft. Even a misdemeanor conviction for any of these charges can lead to high fines and jail time. It is important to note that a criminal record can also negatively impact a student's scholarships and future job prospects. 

How To Protect Your Rights Against Criminal Charges?

If you are a student facing criminal charges, hiring a Dallas criminal lawyer is essential. A lawyer can provide you with legal guidance and representation to protect your rights throughout the legal process. Additionally, educating yourself about your rights can help you better understand what to expect and how to protect yourself. Knowing your rights is important if you are facing criminal charges. It includes due process and protection against self-incrimination. This knowledge can help ensure that you are treated fairly and get the best possible outcome in your case.


Student defense in criminal law is a legal representation and protection for students who are accused of crimes. Students need to understand their rights. They should work with a Dallas criminal lawyer at The Medlin Law Firm to build a defense strategy. It should be done when facing common criminal charges such as alcohol-related offenses. 

It is also essential to navigate the university disciplinary system, which may have its own hearings and consequences. Hiring a Dallas criminal lawyer and knowing your rights can help ensure fair treatment along the process. 

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The Medlin Law Firm in Review Your Attorney

Driving Directions

The Medlin Law Firm
2550 Pacific Ave #866
Dallas, TX 75226
(214) 888-4810

Si usted ha sido lesionado en un accidente, puede estar preocupado por enfrentar una demanda por lesiones personales. Pero si entiende bien la ley, puede defenderse y proteger sus derechos.

Leyes De Texas Sobre Accidentes Vehiculares

La mayoría de los Estados tienen la regla de no culpar cuando se trata de accidentes vehiculares. Esto significa que la compañía de seguros de cada conductor pagará por sus daños y lesiones, independientemente de quién sea el culpable. En este caso, su primer paso debe ser presentar una reclamación con su propia compañía de seguros si usted ha estado en un accidente de auto.

Texas Es Un Poco Diferente. El Estado utiliza la regla de la culpa cuando se trata de accidentes de tráfico. Esto significa que el conductor encontrado culpable del accidente será responsable de todos los daños y lesiones.

Esto puede ser un problema si usted es el culpable. Una demanda por lesiones personales puede no estar muy lejos. Por eso es esencial entender cómo se determina la responsabilidad en Texas.

Responsabilidad En Texas

La responsabilidad se determina mirando quién tuvo la culpa del accidente. Esto se puede hacer mirando el informe de la policía, las cuentas de los testigos oculares, y otras pruebas.

Si se encuentra que usted tiene la culpa, usted será responsable de todos los daños y perjuicios causados por el accidente. Esto incluye las facturas médicas, los daños a la propiedad, los salarios perdidos y la compensación por el dolor y el sufrimiento.

El otro conductor también puede demandarle a usted. Una demanda por lesiones personales no es una posibilidad remota. Tendrá que contratar a un abogado para defenderse si esto sucede.

Cómo Defenderse De Una Demanda Por Lesiones Personales

La mejor manera de defenderse contra una demanda por lesiones personales es entender la ley. Contratar a un abogado puede ayudar.

Un abogado defensor de lesiones personales sabrá cómo investigar el accidente, reunir pruebas y construir una defensa sólida. También puede negociar con la compañía de seguros del otro conductor en su nombre. Su abogado de lesiones también puede utilizar las siguientes defensas:

Negligencia Contribuyente. Esta defensa dice que usted no es totalmente culpable del accidente. En cambio, el otro conductor también tiene la culpa. Esta defensa normalmente es difícil de ganar, pero si usted puede demostrar que las acciones del demandante también contribuyeron al accidente, puede ser capaz de reducir su responsabilidad. Por ejemplo, si el otro conductor iba con exceso de velocidad, puede utilizar esta defensa.

Asunción De Riesgo. Esta defensa dice que el demandante conocía los riesgos de la actividad y aún así decidió hacerla. Por ejemplo, si ambos se lesionaron en un accidente mientras corrían en una carrera de aceleración, el demandante no podrá demandar porque sabía de los riesgos involucrados cuando corrió contra usted.

Defensa Adicional

Otras defensas pueden estar disponibles para usted, dependiendo de los hechos de su caso. Su abogado sabrá cuáles utilizar en su defensa.

Negligencia Comparativa. Esta defensa dice que el demandante tiene parte de la culpa del accidente. Por ejemplo, si el otro conductor iba con exceso de velocidad y usted no cedió el paso, es posible que se le considere culpable. El tribunal determinará entonces en qué medida es usted responsable del accidente.

Última Oportunidad Clara. Esta defensa dice que el demandante tuvo la oportunidad de evitar el accidente pero no lo hizo. Por ejemplo, si usted iba con exceso de velocidad pero el demandante tuvo la oportunidad de salir del camino pero no lo hizo, es posible que no pueda demandarlo.

El Demandante No Puede Probar La Causalidad. Esta defensa dice que el demandante no puede probar que tus acciones causaron sus lesiones. Por ejemplo, si el demandante se lesionó en un accidente de auto pero no puede probar que usted tuvo la culpa, es posible que no pueda demandarlo.

The Medlin Law Firm 

The Medlin Law Firm puede ayudarle si usted ha estado en un accidente de auto. La firma tiene años de experiencia manejando demandas por lesiones personales. Tienen agentes hábiles que pueden investigar y reunir pruebas. Con eso, su abogado de defensa criminal puede construir una defensa fuerte. También tienen experiencia en la negociación con las compañías de seguros. Póngase en contacto con ellos hoy para una evaluación gratuita de su caso.

Más Información The Medlin Law Firm en BrownBook Cómo Llegar

The Medlin Law Firm 1300 S University Dr #318 Fort Worth, TX 76107 (682) 204-4066

Criminal law can be a complex and intimidating field to navigate, especially if you are facing criminal charges. However, with the help of a Dallas criminal lawyer, you can have the support you need to protect your rights. This article will help you understand criminal law and its charges. Plus, how lawyers protect their clients against ineffective juries.

Understanding Criminal Law And Charges

Criminal law in Dallas, Texas, includes various offenses ranging from misdemeanors to felonies. These offenses may involve violent crimes, property crimes, drug-related crimes, or white-collar crimes. If you are facing criminal charges, it is important to understand the nature of the charges and the possible consequences. 

Possible charges in criminal law include but are not limited to:


Assault is the threat of physical harm and can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony. The penalty for assault depends on the severity of the offense including fines and imprisonment. 

Drug Crimes

Drug crimes are illegal activities that involve illegal drugs or controlled substances. It includes cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and prescription drugs such as opioids. Penalties for drug crimes can include fines, probation, community service, and imprisonment. 

Drug While Intoxicated (DWI)

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) means driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and it is illegal. In Texas, a first-time DWI offense can result in fines, jail time, and a suspension of the driver's license. 


There are different degrees of murder based on the circumstances. First-degree murder is the most severe and second-degree murder is less severe. In Dallas, Texas, penalties for murder can include life imprisonment or even the death penalty.


Taking another person's property without that person's consent is theft. The penalty for theft varies based on the value of the property taken. 

If you are facing criminal charges, it is important to seek the help of an attorney. They can protect you from ineffective juries. Plus, they can protect your rights and explore your legal options.

Protecting Clients From Ineffective Juries

A Dallas criminal lawyer at The Medlin Law Firm uses various strategies to protect their clients against ineffective juries. They can carefully select the jurors during the jury selection process. This involves asking potential jurors questions to identify any biases that can prevent them from being fair and impartial. Learn more at

If there are any concerns about the jury during the trial, the lawyers may file a motion for a mistrial. Or, they can challenge the jury selection process. They can also use their experience to challenge the evidence presented against their client. They can cross-examine witnesses and present a strong defense.

The lawyers at The Medlin Law Firm are committed to protecting their client’s rights and ensuring a fair trial. They understand that an ineffective jury can have a significant impact on the outcome of a case. They will do everything in their power to ensure that their clients receive a fair trial.

Protecting clients from ineffective juries is an essential part of a lawyer's job. However, they also face various challenges during a trial in criminal law.

Challenges Faced By A Lawyer During Trial

During a trial in Dallas, Texas, a lawyer may face several challenges that can affect the outcome of their client's case. These challenges may include dealing with unexpected developments during the trial and cross-examining witnesses effectively. The lawyer's ability to navigate these challenges can significantly impact the outcome of the trial and the client's future.


Criminal law in Dallas, Texas covers a wide range of offenses. It involves minor misdemeanors and severe felonies. Some of the possible charges include assault, drug crimes, DWI, murder, and theft. Seeking the help of an attorney is essential to protecting your rights and exploring legal options. 

A Dallas criminal lawyer at The Medlin Law Firm protects clients from ineffective juries. They carefully select jurors, challenge the jury selection process, and challenge evidence. Additionally, they cross-examine witnesses and present a strong defense. However, lawyers face various challenges during a trial. 

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The Medlin Law Firm 2550 Pacific Ave #866 Dallas, TX 75226 (214) 888-4810

A DWI arrest is a serious matter in Texas. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, impaired driving has caused an average of one death every 50 minutes in the country. This is why laws against DWI in Texas are getting stricter by the day. Suppose you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In that case, you will be subjected to a series of physical and chemical tests to determine your level of intoxication.

Various Tests After A DWI Arrest

A police officer who sees erratic driving behavior will most likely pull the driver over. Once the vehicle has been stopped, the officer will look for signs of intoxication such as slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, or an odor of alcohol on the breath. If the officer suspects that the driver merits DWI, he will ask them to step out of the vehicle to undergo a series of tests.

Field Sobriety Test (FST). The first test is usually the field sobriety test. This is a series of simple tasks that assesses coordination, balance, and divided attention. The most common FSTs are the walk-and-turn test and the one-leg stand test. DWI lawyers often contest the results of these tests as they are subjective and can be influenced by numerous factors such as weather conditions, weight, age, and even shoes.

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). The second test is the chemical test which measures the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level. The most common BAC test is the breathalyzer test. This can be done at the roadside or at the police station. Many factors can affect the accuracy of the reading, such as mouth alcohol, body temperature, and how recent the last drink was.

Oral Fluid Test. The third test is the oral fluid test, also known as the saliva test. This test is less common than the breathalyzer test but is becoming more popular as it is less invasive. Several factors can affect the accuracy of the result as well, such as the type of food consumed, medications taken, and even smoking.

Urine Test. The fourth test is the urine test, which is the most invasive of all the DWI tests. Factors such as medications taken and dehydration can significantly affect the results.

The DWI Arrest Process

Upon DWI arrest you will be taken to the police station, where you will be asked to take a chemical test. If you refuse to take the test, your driver's license will be suspended. If you take the test and the results show that your BAC is above the legal limit, you will be charged with DWI.

How to Contest a DWI Charge

If you have been charged with DWI, there are a few ways to contest the charge. The first way is to challenge the results of the tests. DWI lawyers often do this by questioning the accuracy of the tests and the conditions under which they were conducted. The second way is to challenge the arrest itself. Your legal counsel can question the officer's probable cause for stopping the vehicle and whether or not the Miranda rights were read correctly.

The best way to contest charges after your DWI arrest is to hire an experienced DWI lawyer. They are familiar with the DWI laws in your state and can challenge the evidence against you. DWI lawyers can also negotiate with the prosecutor to reduce or dismiss the charges.

Take Action Now

If you have been charged with DWI, it is essential to take action now. The Medlin Law Firm has more than 84 years of combined experience representing clients charged with DWI. They have the knowledge and expertise to get the most favorable outcome for your case. Contact them today for a free consultation.

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The Medlin Law Firm 1300 S University Dr #318 Fort Worth, TX 76107 (682) 204-4066

Get in touch with Dallas assault defense attorneys right away if you've been accused of this felony. Depending on the situation of the committed act, a conviction for this offense may result in felony or misdemeanor charges. A police officer must observe the crime to issue an immediate arrest for simple assault because it is a misdemeanor, except in the case of domestic violence instances. 

Facing Assault Charges

A single assault charge has the power to ruin someone's future. Assault is "deliberate conduct by one person that produces an immediate injurious or offensive contact," regardless of whether any accurate physical contact occurs. 

A person might readily make false accusations of assault with this vague definition in place. An aggravated assault lawyer can help if you've been charged with assault. 

The Medlin Law Firm can offer you a strong defense that will work to have your charges dropped or acquitted. Their criminal defense lawyers have more than ten years of experience representing Texans. 

They are well-equipped with the legal know-how to refute the prosecution's assertions and raise your chances of a favorable result. The term "assault" is comprehensive and encompasses various offenses, from petty misdemeanors to felonious assault. 

If found guilty of assault, you might face probation, fines, and even years in jail. As a result, any assault case should be handled carefully and investigated by a knowledgeable attorney from The Medlin Law Firm.

Penalties Of Assault In Dallas

You might be detained and accused of assault if the victim reasonably fears suffering immediate physical harm from you. Simple assault may be tried as a third-degree felony, which contains a maximum 10-year prison sentence and a maximum punishment of $10,000. You must promptly contact knowledgeable counsel from our Dallas assault defense attorneys if you are charged with a violent felony and accused of assault.

Violent Crime Charges In Dallas

You should also be aware that if bodily harm is caused or you use a weapon during the offense, your charges may be upgraded to aggravated assault. A conviction for aggravated assault carries substantially harsher punishments than a conviction for common assault. 

A Dallas assault defense lawyer knows the difficulties this kind of criminal accusation may bring. So do not hesitate to contact criminal lawyers if you have been arrested for obtaining the criminal defense counsel you require right away.

Lack of information, unintentional contact, and self-defense are some defenses that might be used to refute the prosecution's allegations in an assault case. Hiring a criminal defense attorney can assess the specifics of your situation and choose the best course of action.

Legal Help For Assault Charges

Criminal accusations can harm a person's reputation and emotional health, which are stressful. Therefore, it's crucial to hire a reputable Dallas criminal defense lawyer that can guide you through all the challenges to get the best result for your case.

Charges of assault are frequently the outcome of a miscommunication or an act of self-defense. Someone may make these accusations against someone for the smallest amount of physical touch. 

Having an allegation against you can ruin your reputation. A conviction can ruin your future. Prosecutors frequently use violent crimes, such as assault or domestic violence, as justifications for requesting deportation. 

Don't talk to the police, prosecutor, or federal immigration agents if you are an unauthorized alien who has been charged.  There is no time to waste if you face charges for a violent offense. 

To develop the best defense strategy, an aggravated assault attorney will carefully examine every aspect of your case. Their criminal lawyers will also vigorously defend your rights. Their legal team will work to get you the best result possible in your case since they are aware of the catastrophic consequences a conviction may have on your life.

The Medlin Law Firm : Your trusted Dallas defense powerhouse. With a proven track record of success, we're committed to ensuring you receive the exceptional legal defense you deserve.

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The Medlin Law Firm

2550 Pacific Ave #834

Dallas, TX 75226

(214) 888-4810

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